


23-01-2025 live at Corsica Studios, FakeDAC, London
05-12-2024 live at Ankali Club, Gin&Platonic takeover, Prague
15-11-2024 live at Discomphort Dispatch. Hilversum
11-11-2024 live at Forum Freies Theater, Düsseldorf
25-10-2024 Live at Hear Me! festival Ústí nad Labem
28-09-2024 Live at Hitness Club, Liepzig
26-09-2024 Live at Panke Culture, Berlin
17-08-2024 Live at Le Rond Point Cafè w/ Hugo Lioret, Lyon
20-07-2024 Live at Trat Festival, Chomutov
15-06-2024 Live at HYPERACUSTICA X SUPERPANG w/ Hugo Lioret, Rome
20-04-2024 Live set, Pianeta Sonoro, Rome
18-04-2024 Algorave (A/V), Forte Prenestino, Rome
03-04-2024 Live at Trickster w/ Bruno Gola, Berlin
01-04-2024 Live set, Madame Claude, Berlin
22-03-2024 Beyond the Screen (A/V) Tulkinnavaraista, Helsinki
03-02-2024 Live at Panke for ZilZal, Berlin
02-02-2024 Live at Algomystica w/ Hugo Lioret, Tatwerk Berlin
12-12-2023 Live at SpazioX, Treviso
15-12-2023 Live at Asile, Turin
08-12-2023 Live at Flüsterzimmer, Weimar
30-11-2023 Algorave at OHM, Berlin
29-11-2023 trio improvisation w/ 444 and Bruno Gola at PAS, Berlin
25-11-2023 Algorave at Sala Tarò, Barcelona
22-10-2023 live at Tatwerk w/ Dan Gorelick, Berlin
08-10-2023 live at Trickster w/ Hugo Lioret, Berlin
29-08-2023 live at Sekta Selekta, Krakow
26-08-2023 live at Ostrava Days, PLATO Bauhaus
12-08-2023 live at ALGOMYSTICA, PAS Berlin
26-06-2023 live at 3345 record store, The Hague
23-06-2023 live at Crawl Space, The Hague
17-06-2023 Sonology Master graduation concert, Amare The Hague
12-05-2023 Collaborative improvisation w/ Riccardo Ancona and Elif Gülin Soğuksu, Willem Twee 's-Hertogenbosch
06-05-2023 Collaborative improvisation w/ Riccardo Ancona and Elif Gülin Soğuksu at Sonology discussion Concert, Amare The Hague
23-04-2023 Collaborative improvisation w/ Riccardo Ancona and Giulia Rae at ICLC2023, Nicolaïkerk Utrecht
18-04-2023 Audiovisual performance w/ Flor de Fuego at Institute of Sonology, The Hague
08-04-2023 Algorave at Grrrnd Zero, Lyon
16-03-2023 live performance at Default Den Haag, The Hague
23-09-2022 Algorave at SpazioX, Treviso
15-09-2022 Live coding with Adapt at ICFP2022, Ljubjana
10-09-2022 Dietro lo schermo at Blooming Festival, Pergola
20-08-2022 Live performance at Bučení Festival, Lubna
14-08-2022 A/V performance closing Hulkovæ Mysteria festival, Punctum, Prague
12-08-2022 A/V performance at Future Space Detection, DiskoBabel, Berlin
11-08-2022 Live performance at Future Space Detection, DiskoBabel, Berlin
21-07-2022 Live Coding Sessions #5, Doka, Amsterdam
24-06-2022 Data Quake w/ Talpah - Algo club bouncy pineal experience, The Grey Space, The Hague
20-05-2022 Live Coding performance at Didacta, Florence
14-05-2022 Eflussi, collaborative laptop performance w/ Riccartdo Ancona at Sonology discussion concert - Amare auditorium, The Hague
01-04-2022 10 years of Algorave! With Uncloud and CCU, Utrecht
11-03-2022 WOW! Album release party by Max Frimout - Late night algorave, Borisov Amsterdam
24-02-2022 Data Quake - Algo club bouncy pineal experience, The Grey Space, The Hague
09-02-2022 Time debris, performance at Sonology discussion concert - Amare auditorium, The Hague
04-12-2021 Dietro lo schermo - Live at Klang, Rome
30-10-2021 Algorave at DAZ - digital art festival, Zurich
16-08-2021 A/V performance at SVITAVA - transmedia art lab, Brno
13-08-2021 A/V performance at Bučení festival, Lubna
12-08-2021 A/V performance at Punctum, Prague
31-07-2021 A/V performance at C(A)OSMO Festival, Fano
19-09-2020 A/V performance at Spring Attitude festival, Rome
29-08-2020 live coding acoustic physical models - at Klang, Rome
08-08-2020 A/V Algorave at Stodola club, Krakow
09-05-2020 A/V live coding in the Cyber Yacht - TopLap Berlin
04-04-2020 A/V live coding at Fabrica - TopLap Mexico
28-03-2020 A/V live coding at Covid Room
23-03-2020 A/V live coding in Virtual Reality for Algoritmi at The Circle, UXR zone
21-03-2020 A/V live coding at EulerRoom Equinox - International festival of the TopLap community
13-12-2019 Artflow A/V performance at Guido Reni district
27-10-2019 live coding at Afestival in Katowice (Poland)
26-10-2019 Algorave night at Afestival - Katowice (Poland)
20-10-2019 live coding with Olivia Jack at Castello di Montegiove - Fano
15-07-2019 Algorave with Renick Bell - Klang, Rome
20-03-2019 Modular free impro at La Fine with Giulio Lattanzi, Rome
16-12-2018 Presenting Albania 1997 at Poesia Carnosa, festival di poesia sonora with Olbos
25-11-2018 Presenting Albania 1997 at Klang: the Birth festival with Olbos
28-03-2019 Algorave at Spin time labs for Amen Rave, Rome
25-05-2018 Pastis v.2 modular impro at Fax factory
20-07-2018 Modular free impro at Rainbow fest 2nd edition, Anguillara Sabazia
01-01-2018 Take P’Art at Ex Manicomio Santa Maria della Pietà
27-10-2017 Live set at MAXXI, the National Museum of 21st Century Arts for Orfico n.3

© Francesco Corvi 2024