
22-07-2024 Multichannel sound performance with digital devices, Ambisonics summer school, Ústí nad Labem
22-02-2024 Live Coding in the Browser, Aalto University Helsinki
26-02..01-03-2024 Live Coding: Harnessing Imperfections, IED Roma
19-08-2023 Introduction to live coding w/ Flor de Fuega ta Motionlab, Berlin
31-11-2022 Hydra Workshop at KABK University, The Hague
22-05-2022 What is live coding: performance and explanation, Fiera DIDACTA Florence
09-09-2022 Live coding workshop at Blooming Festival, Pergola
1/2-12-2021 Workshop at NABA University, Milan
16-08-2021 Livecoding workshop at SVITAVA - transmedia art lab, Brno
11-08-2021 Livecoding workshop at Bučení festival
18/19-06-2021 Live coding with Sonic Pi at Robot Festival
18-12-2020 Functional Creativity applied to a LiveCoding performance at WeSa
25-09-2020 LiveCoding and computational Creativity - Creative Explorations
09-10-2020 Talk on LiveCoding at Contemporary Cluster
05-12-2019 Do humans dream of creative machines? Livecoding mastercalss at Università di Pisa
23-11-2019 Code music with TidalCycles workshop at Villa Tereze
23-11-2019 TidalCycles workshop at Villa Tereze with Umanesimo Artificiale
19-10-2019 Code visuals with Hydra, workshop with Olivia Jack

Open Source and Community Projects

Hack Your DAW

A collection of open source Max4Live devices to live code an Ableton Live session with TidalCyles

Download Discussion Demo

Live Code Your Track Live

93 minutes of sounds code by an international community of live coders. Algorave musicians live code a track from scratch in 30 minutes, while showing their creative process and the technology they use and/or they have uniquely built using various open source software like TidalCycles, SuperCollider, Pure Data, and Csound.

Videos Music

Max Your Patch

This project I have been curating for Umanesimo Artificiale selected some of the most interesting software developed in Max/MSP, proposing ways and ideas to improve and optimize the patches.


© Francesco Corvi 2020